Valspar / Octoral

Octoral is a member of the Valspar group of brands. Employing over 9500 people in over 80 locations worlrldwide producing a wide range of paints and coatings for many different applications.

Octobase Eco which is a waterborne basecoat system that meets the VOC-requirements in combination with a VOC-complaint HS Clear Coat.    The system consists of a full range of mixing colours that enables you to mix metallic, pearl and solid colours. A very simple application technique will provide a good end result.

Octoral produce large selection of primers for a wide range of applications. We stock the popular ones of these including PF131 HS Surfacer and PA65 Plastic Primer and PW170 Wash Primers.

To compliment the Octoral Range is the Scratch resistant Two Pack clearcoat C250.

We also carry the Valspar Industrial range, solvent based paints for non vehicle applications.

For more details, click HERE to go to the Octoral Website. (Opens new Window)